- Modular design
- Easy fit welding/heating attachments
- Powder cartridges reduce set-up time
- Easy to change in the field of application
- Cost efficient by using standard components and standard spare parts
- High level of operational safety
- Easy usage for difficult to reach components
- Tungsten Carbide inserts available for use with carbide powders (optional)
- Quick action couplings according to EN 561 for the gas hoses (optional)
- Safety devices according to EN ISO 5175-1 (optional)
- Accessories are easy to fit and to adjust
- Cost efficient operating materials (Acetylene, Oxygen)
The powder spray torch for thermal spraying and remelting various materials on surfaces.
The DURALOY (HA-Bond) powder spray torch adds strength by manually spraying thin protective films on surfaces and over edges. Offers the addition of a high grade of coating to protect against abrasion, corrosion, erosion and cavitation that can be produced permanently and economically for low costs. Metal powders are sprayed and melted into the surface by a gas/oxygen flame. Rockwell hardness ranging from 25-65 HRC are possible. Machining of material is possible post production.
Data sheet
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